

  1. 使い方
  2. マクロ



  • (文字列が混じっていない)数値にしか反応しません.
  • 値はプラスであるとします.(擬似的な最小値をゼロとしています.)
  • 同着があるときは,その全てに着色します.



Type MyValue
first As Long
second As Long
third As Long
End Type

Type MyColor
first As Variant
second As Variant
third As Variant
End Type

Sub 選択列において上位3つの数値に網掛けする()

Dim v As MyValue
v.first = 0
v.second = 0
v.third = 0

Dim c As MyColor
c.first = RGB(255, 150, 150)
c.second = RGB(150, 255, 150)
c.third = RGB(150, 150, 255)

Dim i, j As Long
j = Selection(1).Column

If Cells(1, j).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row < 2 Then
End If

Dim x As Range

For i = 1 To Cells(1, j).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row
For j = Selection(1).Column To Selection(Selection.Count).Column
Set x = Cells(i, j)
If IsNumeric(x) Then
Call UpdateValue(v, x)
End If
Next j
Next i

For i = 1 To Cells(1, j).SpecialCells(xlLastCell).Row

For j = Selection(1).Column To Selection(Selection.Count).Column

Set x = Cells(i, j)

If x = v.first Then
x.Interior.Color = c.first
ElseIf x = v.second Then
x.Interior.Color = c.second
ElseIf x = v.third Then
x.Interior.Color = c.third
End If
Next j

Next i

MsgBox "マクロを実行しました."

End Sub

Private Sub UpdateValue(ByRef v As MyValue, ByVal x As Range)

If x > v.first Then
v.third = v.second
v.second = v.first
v.first = x
ElseIf x = v.first Then
ElseIf x > v.second Then
v.third = v.second
v.second = x
ElseIf x = v.second Then
ElseIf x > v.third Then
v.third = x
End If

End Sub